Rightsholder privacy policy
Kadaster keeps a record of the rights which apply to registered property in the public registers and in the Kadaster Base Registration. This is a legal task. Anyone who wishes to exercise a right over immovable property (a house, for instance), ship or aircraft must register the related documents.
If you buy or sell a house, you will go need to make use of the services of the a Dutch civil-law notary. All parties involved with the (seller or buyer) have to sign a notarial act of deed of transfer. The civil-law notary will send a copy of the act deed to Kadaster. We will check that all the necessary information is included in the act deed and subsequently record it the deed in the public registers. It is only after this has been done that the ownership is legally transferred. The Kadaster Base Registration is updated following the registration recording of the act in the public register. The All parties involved (buyer and the seller) will receive a letter (notification) from us. With this letter, we will inform you that the data in the Kadaster Base Registration has been updated in accordance with the content of the deed.
Questions and answers
Kadaster records the following data, inter alia:
- the buyer’s personal details: such as their name, address and date of birth, sex, partner’s details if applicable, marital status
- the buyer’s rights in respect of registered property: such as ownership or built structures
- reference to the documents entered in the public register
- parcel number (if applicable), address and description of the registered property
- transactional data: date of registration and purchase price (if applicable)
- mortgage data: details of the mortgage lender and the principal amount of the underpinning mortgage loan
Kadaster provides legal certainty in the area of real estate, ships and aircraft. To ensure legal certainty, it is essential that the data stored in the register remains publicly available: anyone can consult who is an owner or who has other rights. Personal data can also be accessed by everyone. This means that the data can be retrieved by address or parcel number. Authorised users, such as a civil-law notary or judicial officer, may also request data by name (i.e., what does this person have in their name).
Kadaster uses registered personal data only for the purpose of carrying out its statutory tasks as set out in the Kadaster Act. For instance, Kadaster uses your name and address to send you notifications in case of changes in the registration or to send you an invitation to designate a new property line. Kadaster can carry out statistical analyses of the data contained in the registration while ensuring that results cannot be traced back to individuals.
In order to check the quality of your data and to ensure its accuracy, Kadaster checks your data in the Personal Records Database (BRP), kept by the relevant municipality. Among other things, Kadaster uses your Dutch Citizen Service Number (in Dutch: burgerservice nummer, abbreviated: BSN) for this purpose. Kadaster can do so being the managing authority for the public registers and the Kadaster Base Registration.
Kadaster provides massive amounts of data, inter alia, to public organisations for the performance of their public tasks, such as taxation and spatial plans, and to investigators in connection with potential investigations into (real estate) fraud. Kadaster only provides Citizen Service Numbers to public authorities if it is necessary for the performance of their public tasks.
Kadaster also provides data in massive amounts to large property managers, such as housing corporations, if the data concerns their properties, or to utility companies in the case of plots where they for example have a right of superficies.
Kadaster shall, on request, provide information from the public registers and registration for scientific, historical and statistical surveys. In doing so, personal data is kept anonymous as much as possible to ensure the privacy of data subjects.
Kadaster does not provide data in massive amounts for direct marketing for commercial or charitable purposes. Furthermore, no data will be provided for profiling or making decisions based on automated processing.
The Land Registry will not retain your personal data for longer than is necessary for the purpose of processing. Once this purpose has expired, your data will be deleted unless a longer retention period is required by law or regulations (e.g. Archiefwet – Public Records Act). In principle, this means that your personal data will be deleted no more than 7 years after your departure from employment. In the case of applications, this means that your data will be anonymised 4 weeks after completion of the recruitment and selection process. Application data cannot be traced back to specific individuals.
Your personal data that Kadaster registers in the Kadaster Basic Registration can be consulted free of charge on the website MijnOverheid.nl. You can read more about your rights as a data subject on the data subject rights page.
Go to the Privacy page.
Do you have a question and you couldn't find the answer? Please contact customer service on telephone number 088 - 183 22 00. Our employees are happy to assist you on working days from 9 am to 5 pm. Or ask your question directly via the contact form.
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Last update of this page: February 4th, 2022