Declaration of rectification

To effectuate the rectification of a European Certificate of Succession , it is recommended to offer the following declaration for registration. The use of this model declaration is not mandatory but provides a good indication of how the declaration should look like. For your convenience, an non-certified English translation of this declaration can be found below. Please note that the Kadaster can only honor registration requests of documents that are drawn up in Dutch. Publication of a translation of the Dutch declaration can be achieved by registering it as a supplement to the latter.

Download declaration of rectification (pdf)
Soort document
Declaration (verklaring)
Het Kadaster
14 december 2020

Pdf, no

If you have any questions about the registration of a European Certificate of Succession at Kadaster, please contact the Registrars’ Telephone: 

The Registrars’ Telephone can be contacted on working days between 9 o’clock am and 5 o’clock pm. 

Versie - 14 december 2020

Points of attention

  • If you offer a certified copy of the European Certificate of Succession for registration in the form of a hardcopy, please also submit a copy of this certified copy. The certified copy of the European Certificate of Succession will be signed by the registrar and returned to you together with a registration report. The copy of this certified copy will be registered. To guarantee that this copy is identical with the certified copy of the European Certificate of Succession, a declaration of identicalness (“verklaring van eensluidendheid”) has to be provided. The issuing authority has to place the following declaration (in Dutch) at the end of the copy:
  • Ondergetekende, … [titel]  ……..[naam autoriteit van afgifte], … [notaris/rechter/…]te …….[plaats], verklaart dat het afschrift eensluidend is met het ter inschrijving aangeboden stuk.
  • Non-certified English translation:
    Undersigned, “title (if applicable)” “full name of authority”, “notary/judge/…” in“name of the city where the office is registered”, certifies that the copy is identical to the document that is offered for registration.
  • If you offer a copy of the European Certificate of Succession digitally, a declaration of equivalence (“equivalentieverklaring”) has to be provided. The issuing authority has to place the following declaration (in Dutch) at the end of the copy:
  • Ondergetekende, … [titel]  ……..[naam autoriteit van afgifte], … [notaris/rechter/…]te …….[plaats], verklaart dat dit afschrift inhoudelijk een volledige en juiste weergave is van de inhoud van het stuk waarvan het een afschrift is.
  • Non-certified English translation 
    Undersigned, “title (if applicable)” “full name of authority”, “notary/judge/…” in“name of the city where the office is registered”, certifies that the copy is with regards to content a complete and correct reproduction of the content of the document of which it is a copy.
  • Is the European Certificate of Succession or a request for rectification, modification, withdrawal, or suspension of the effects drawn up in a language other than Dutch? Are the attachments to the European Certificate of Succession or to either of the foregoing requests drawn up in a language other than Dutch? Please submit a certified Dutch translation of the respective documents.
  • The European Certificate of Succession as well as a request for rectification, modification, withdrawal, or suspension of the effects has to be submitted on blank A4 paper with standard quality.
  • The document has to be printed double-sided and may not contain blank pages.
  • The submitted document may not be folded.